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  • Writer's pictureSwapna Vithalkar

FIVE Common reasons of separation in couples

There has been a consistent rise in divorce rate and separation of couples observed all over the world. Separation due to any reason is an unpleasant, stressfyll and life changing event. In this blog some common reasons are noted down. The purpose of this article is to help the readers become aware of various causes of this life changing event and to plan and take measures to avoide separation.

1. Discovery of differences: it is observed that before marriage the couple tries to show the best part of their personality and life to each other. Over a period of time when they start sharing the same house they come across differing habits, thinking patterns, likes and dislikes, eating preferences, some unacceptable personality aspects , rituals, family structure of each other, etc. These isuues can create major adjustment problems and demand acceptance from both the parties. Comparing each other with someone who has been a role model for you, expecting same kind of relationship as your parents have, inability to convey your expectations, thoughts, emotions to each other, etc. can create many hurdals in the blooming love relationship.

2. Personality problems: Many personality characteristics are not visible in the beginning of the relationship. It takes time to understand the disturbing features of personality which cause a constant disturbance in communication and healthy development of the relationship. These personality traits can be unlearned and new habit formation can take place leading to successful relations. Some of these traits are poor listening skill, authoritative personality, lack of empathy, communication based on assumptions, irrational belief system, lack of assertiveness, submissive personality traits, lack of patience, irrational expectations from each other,etc. Vulnarability to Substance dependence is also a personality trait that ledas to additions and cause signifikant disturbance in the family leasing to distrubed family strukture. Inability of one of the partner to handel stress, anger, verbal and physical abuse. There are some personality disorder which create disturbances in the smooth functioning of relations.

3. Sexual Problems: In the beginning of the relationship sexual challenges are ignored or believed can be solved over a period of time. There are many sexual disorders found. According to DSM 5, male sexual dysfunctions are hypoactive sexual desire disorder, erectile disorder, premature ejaculation and delayed ejaculation, while for women are orgasmic disorder, sexual interest/arousal disorder and genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. These disrders can cause a significant disturbance in the relationship and lead to seperation. If these issues are identified, accepted and treated then a beautiful relationship can be saved.

4. Financial troubles: Financial instability is another important cause of seperation. Irresponsible financial decisions, addictions leading to financial instability, poor financial management, business failures, all these situations create insecurity, anxiety in the partners. If the isuues persisits for long period of time then it can cause significant emotional disturbance and lead to seperation.

5. Psycho social factors: It is observed that too much family interference can hamper the harmonious development of a relationship. The question every parent can ask themselves is, ”Are we negatively influencing the relationship of our kids? ” Similarly every couple can ask themselves, ” Am I letting my parentes interfere in my relationship unknowingly?” Other social fastors which lead to separation can be extramarital relationships, high performance pressure, individual ambitions, health issues due to heredity,

If the couple wants their relationship to become strong and fullfilling then they both can find out solutions and create a loving and beautiful relationship.

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