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  • Writer's pictureSwapna Vithalkar

Indian saints on Introspection

Introspection has always been used as a great tool to gain mental clarity, to keep oneself on the desired path and be the person who you want to be. Many Indian saints tried to convey this mental tool to masses through their scriptures, shlokas, bhajans, etc. Here is a glimpse into their thoughts.

Adi Shankaracharya: He emphasized the need for self-inquiry, or "Atma Vichara," as a way to understand the true self, beyond the physical and mental layers. He taught that by continuously asking "Who am I?" one can transcend the illusion of individuality and realize oneness with Brahman (the ultimate reality).

Swami Vivekananda: He often spoke about the importance of self-analysis and contemplation to develop a clear understanding of one's mind and desires. Vivekananda encouraged people to meditate and reflect on their actions and thoughts to purify the mind and attain spiritual wisdom.

Ramana Maharshi: He is famous for advocating the practice of "Self-inquiry" (Atma Vichara). Ramana Maharshi taught that introspection, through the question "Who am I?", leads to the dissolution of the ego and realization of the self, which is pure consciousness.

Kabir: The mystic poet Kabir emphasized inner reflection and detachment from worldly illusions. He believed that by looking within, one can find the divine presence in the heart and that this inner journey is more important than external rituals.

Sri Aurobindo: He spoke about the necessity of inner exploration to transform consciousness. Aurobindo suggested that introspection helps in understanding the deeper layers of the mind, leading to the evolution of human consciousness towards the divine.

Paramahansa Yogananda: He encouraged the practice of meditation and introspection as a way to connect with the divine within. Yogananda taught that through regular self-reflection, one can overcome negative tendencies and develop a deep sense of inner peace and divine love.

These teachings from various Indian saints highlight introspection as a means to achieve self-awareness, spiritual growth, and ultimately, liberation.

Tosha Life Coach can help you learn this skill, improve your emotional stability, reduce stress, help you resolve your problems and become the person that you want to be.

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